Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A translucent Saturday...except it wasn't a Saturday, it was a Monday...

For a Monday night, it had traits of a classically sketchy Saturday evening. The night started pretty standardly at Fish's and included the colorful personalities of SilverBoy, Tam, Mustang, Yakov, and a couple of Fish's grad school friends, Heather and Marcos. 

We drank. We smoked. We talked. We left. Standard sesh for the Wolfpack. After everyone else decided to be huge pussies and go home, SlimJim and Fish played caps for about an hour before Fish decided it was time to call it a night and go to bed. Leaving Fish, headed towards home, I received a phone call from an old neighborhood buddy and decided to continue the night...and the sesh. After smoking and shooting the shit for a while, we heard some people on the field behind his backyard and decided to check it out.

Going swig for swig out of a bottle of his parents red, we walked into the field only to see a few of the more unique characters from high school smoking some of the best flavored hookah I have ever tried before. After smoking with them for a few minutes, I turned around only to find my buddy throwing up in the bushes. This night just went from questionable to a little too much for me. After he got himself together, we took off and I decided it was probably time to go home. 

Immediately getting into the car, I got a call from Bunny requesting me to come pick her up. While en route, I ran into Fish again who said he couldn't sleep and chose to take a walk around the lake. I picked the two of them up and we headed straight to 24 to get six whipits...sick. While in the parking lot at around 2 am we saw a "small person" exiting his car, and because of a unique experience with "small people," the following conversation took place:

Slim: Woah. Should we, uhh, get out?
Fish: I dunno, man.
Bunny: Yeah, Slim, I think it'll be okay.
Slim: I'm not getting out
Fish: Fine. I'll do it. Pussy.

From there, the three of us went back to Fish's and proceeded to drink more while doing whipits for the next hour. 

It was clear waking up this morning that I was far more dumb than I had been before...

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